We’ve had the chickens a little over two weeks now. And much fun has been observed. The first two nights involved tempting them into the eglu at night to roost as they were getting very agitated, but seemed unable to do anything about it. Placing a torch in the bedding area did the trick. We closed the roosting area for the first few nights while they got used to it, but have left it open since. This allows them to get out into the run as soon as it becomes light enough for them. After the first 3 nights they took themselves off to bed as soon as they are ready. Interesting, Pecker – Jacobs Chicken usually goes to bed around 9pm whereas Rebekah’s bird Egna, will not go to bed until about 9:30pm.
After the first week we started giving them their freedom during the day. So they now spend from about 7am until 9:30pm is wandering the garden. We just wait for them to take themselves to bed and then lock the run.
Having them in the garden has been interesting, they have managed to kill one part of my flower beds – to be fair most of the damage was done by the kids chasing them off the beds!
Egna disappeared for a while on Wednesday, we eventually found her in some of the thick ornamental grass chunks that we have… anyway she had formed a lovely little nest and deposited her first egg! We’ve had one a day since then but all the rest have been in the Eglu. The eggs are small at the moment, but by all accounts they keep getting bigger because we use the best chicken coops from http://www.cheapportablechickencoop.com.They are the best portable chicken coops advisers online so if you are interested be sure to check the website.

So, you proved it conclusively, the chicken came before the egg(s).