To start of with an answer to Jean Yves, (Creator of the fantastic Midnight/MU for those of you that don’t know) Ice-Blog will be my general ramblings page. I will no doubt mention all things midnight and Midnight Engine, however I do also have the problem that there is a Yahoo Group that is better placed for such things, so expect duplication.
I started writing a piece about the current and future state of The Midnight Engine, but then found myself struggling with the concept of this being the wrong place. So I should be sending it to YahooGroups. However, I can set this blog service up to receive updates from me from a POP mail box. That could be interesting in that any messages I send to the group could be BCC’d to that mailbox, which would automatically make them show up here… I will try that later.
I can’t tell you too much about the other Blog, I may allow some people to read it over time, but it’s a TOP SECRET project! 🙂