Christmas Nativity Play

I watched Rebekah’s first Nativity play yesterday. Bless her, she was so happy on the stage, and seemed really proud of herself when she finally found us in the crowd. She through us a little wave, sort of “hi, but I can speak for long as I’m in a play!” She was a sheep, with these funny floppy ears. Cute as a button. She had to sing a few songs and perform a few dance moves with the others in her group.

What I did find a little odd and always struggle with the concept of is; Video Cameras. I hate them! I don’t like the idea of living my life through a lense. Now I know that I will regret this in years to come when I can’t look back at old memories in their exact detail, but heh, I don’t want exact detail. I want a picture to give my memory a jog and nothing else.

The number of proud fathers stood round the hall, eyes glued to the lense as they video’d every second of the 45 minute play. I wonder if they really appreciated the moment, or if they’ll watch it when they get home? I suppose its the difference from watch a football match at the stadium or watching the hilights. Seeing your favourite band in concert or buying the DVD.

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