I watched Lewis last night. Being an Inspector Morse fan, I was interested to see where they would take this spin off. Well I am happy top say that it was very well done and should there be anymore I will happily watch. It wasn’t Morse, but it was enjoyable all the same. The production values were as good as Morse, and the feeling of the filming and music all seemed to work and feel comfortable. The script seemed to have just the right blend of things needed to help the transition. There was just enough references to Morse through the programme to keep a nice link, but not too many as to overshadow. Lewis has been working away and it seems that during that time the Police forces has “updated” a little – which in turn puts Lewis on the correct side of “old timer”. His sidekick Hathaway is a well educated intellectual and therefore we have a slight reversal of the Lewis/Morse relationship. Also I notice that Lewis has picked up Morse’s tendancey to get attracted to women involved in the case…
 All in all it was well done and I hope they film some more.

Damned! Missed it 🙁