Here is a poem that my daughter wrote the other day. She just sat down with her little pad and wrote her “April Poem”. She was so focused – I was really impressed as she’s only 5!
Poetry, April, Spring, EasterApril Poem
Rebekah Wild – Aged 5April is in spring time
Easter is in April
Easter Bunnies come and give us eggs
Spring is in April
and we love eggs
Baby lambs are born
and we see them
and we see deer
and foals.
Wow. Stunning for that age. Has she written poetry before? Or is she exposed to a lot of it?
I am not aware of her writing poetry before, I can’t say that she hasn’t at school… but I have never seen any in her work folders etc…
She’s not really exposed to it either… obvisouly I write poetry but she isn’t reading that! 🙂 I’m not really sure what gave her the idea to write a poem.
I was 15 before I wrote my first poem, so I am really impressed by her flair and interest.
She has now decided to write a poem for every month or season!
Very nice 🙂