Latest few albums that I have bought… not quite sure what the rationale behind purchasing them was. I just decided to buy some albums and these were the ones I ordered…
Jack Johnson – On and On What can you say. Just fantastic Jack Johnson all the way. Turn out the lights, light some candles, get a glass of wine, and put some Jack on the stereo… and relax!
Pink – I’m Not Dead I loved this! This is my first real exposure to Pink, and I loved the album. it’s pretty much complete in every way. Some great tracks, the singles obviously, but also tracks like; ‘Dear Mr President’, ‘I’m not Dead’ and ‘Fingers’. The only downside on it is the track on the end which was written by her father, and they both recorded together. The track ‘I have seen the rain’, is great; it’s an acoustic Vietnam Vet song, and they perform it beautifully. th eonly problem is that there is 30 seconds of pink talking about the recording of the song, at the beginning of it. I wish she had added the dialogue as a track so that I could skip it!
Christina Aguilera – Back To Basics I liked this album a lot. I don’t think I like it quite as much as ‘Stripped’, but then it always hard to follow a fantastic album. It is on the whole, a very rounded 2cds of great songs
Prince – 3121 I like the album, in a “it’s Prince” kind of way. There is nothing fantastic about it. It has a few good moments toward the end, like ‘Fury’, but on the whole, it’s, well, Prince… I felt this with his last album, he just seems to be stagnating or going backwards. You here the same themes, the same instruments, the same riffs. It’s like he’s been so prolific that he’s actually done everything that Prince can do. What he really needs to do is to work with some fresh talent and let go of some of his control. So Prince, if you are reading, and I know you often drop in, go and do some work with the Scissor Sisters and let them rub off on you!
Roger Waters – Ca Ira
Not listened to this yet.