When I joined IBM I figured that I would get more time to spend with my family and work on the numerous projects that I have on the go. One of the problems that I have with my self is that I take on way too much as my brain is always thinking about new things; if only I could keep myself focused and have less ideas!
My first instinct was to kill off a few projects, or at least put them on a back burner, and then concentrate on the ones that I wanted to get out the door first. So DDR move to the front, and indeed I have managed to make great strides forward on it even if it isn’t where I wanted it to be. I also manage to get quite a bit done on one of my Novels. However, as time has moved on, things have started to slide.
I went through a phase of really busy IBM. That is to be expected as it will no doubt fluctuate over time, that is after all, the nature of the work. The difference being that with your own company, you have less fluctuation and more constant. At the same time I was working on “Alan Hansens FAPL Super Quiz” – an iDVD game. I was working on that in the evenings for Smoking Gun and SmartlyHeated. You can imagine that I didn’t have a great amount of time left for anything else.
I am in the process of creating a new blog, more info on that later.
I have started up a new company to exploit some all technology and concepts that I worked on many years ago. More info on that later as well.
After a chance conversation with Rob a few days ago, I have revisited another old website idea that is just right for the time. Guess what… yes you’re right… more info on that later! 🙂
I’m now starting to doubt if the Novel idea that I am currently working on, is the right way forward, and perhaps I should go back to idea number (..insert no here..) .
So, where is all the time going…?