I’ve been on holiday in Sorrento for the last week. It was the first time Victoria and me have had a holiday in 7 years. Yes, we’ve done the odd weekend away with the kids, or even the odd night away without them, but this was the first real holiday.
We drove up to Manchester on Saturday 31st March to drop the children off with my parents; they kids were so looking forward to a week with their grandparents, and I think that overall helped with the decision to go away without them. I shalln’t drive with the children again during the day, all we had for 5 hours was Jacob asking, “Why are we no at Grandie’s yet, this is BORING!”
Sunday morning we got up at 4am and drove to Manchester Aiport. It has to be said that for an International Airport, Manchester is a dump! For both Arrivals and Departures we should be ashamed of it.
We flew to Munich Airport, which I have to say is just so lovely; a better airport I have never seen. We flew with Lufthansa which was a realy nice flight. The small plane was suprisingly roomy; I had no problem with leg room at all. There was drinks and food during the flight, albeit a ham sandwich, but it was good nonetheless. Although for transfer time we had only 20 minutes until boarding started, we made the boarding with 15 minutes to spare! The whole process was effortless.
We then flew from Munich to Naples Airport which turned out to be not much better than Manchester Airport! Again the flight was good, with another sandwich and drinks to see us through the 2 hour journey.
The italians showed there usually ambivalence to security… we arrived and walked straight out to baggage claim and then out of the airport – no checks at all!
We picked up the Hire Car and then the fun began…
Flying over the Alps from Munich to Naples.