The General Babblings of Chris Wild
Well it seems the the 2005 World Conker Championship is almost upon us… My faith in humanity is restored!
Conkers, World Championship Conkers, Conker
I was out with the kids picking Conkers at the weekend. Our garden has 3 large Horse Chestnut trees on the edge of it. This is generally a great thing, as I love conkers and it does depress me that more children don’t play it nowdays, (Actually, I think it might just be a southern thing, as children “up north” still seem to play it.) however the problem with all these trees is that the garden gets absolutley flooded with them at this time of year as they start to fall. Looking at the trees at the weekend and it seems there is a good crop… which means plenty of tidying up.
The kids love just finding them on the floor, but we also tend to knock some down just to keep the traddition going.
Anyway, Victoria had noticed a large one on one of the trees recently. You could see it from kitchenfoodnmore and it looked a beauty! Well, we got the bugger down and it was the size of a tennis ball! And nestled inside was 4 conkers!!!
Conkers, Horse Chestnut, ConkerI was reading an interesting article about Stackless, and implementation of python than implementas micro-tasks or tasklets, more to the point it’s about Sylphis3D Game Engine use of it.
Anyway, reading the comments I find it amazing how may people don’t get the concept of micro-threads, tasklets, or just plain tasks. This system has actually been around for a very long time in games development.
The first time I came across it was in the early 90’s when I was new coder at SCi. I spent a fascinating time discussing the concept with ‘Kat’ as he explained how it was used in SWIV.
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