Something came to me with these sit up bench reviews this morning while listening to the sports news on the radio. It was one of those striking moments and here is the result…
EXT – DAY – Edgbaston
Kevin PIETERSEN stands at the crease looking up and preparing for the next delivery. He knocks his bat against the crease nervously. Scott STYRIS stands polishing the ball against his leg getting prepared for the run.
You are wonderful!STYRIS
Thank you -- I've worked hard to become so.STYRIS starts his slow run toward the left of the Umpire. He quickly gets into his pre-delivery stride.
I admit it -- you are better than I am.STYRIS
Then why are you smiling?Moments from defeat, PIETERSEN is, in fact, all smiles. STYRIS looks slightly confused as he moves into his back foot contact.
Because I know something you don't know.STYRIS
And what is that?STYRIS Follows through and releases the ball.
I am not right-handed.And with that he throws his bat into his left hand and immediately, the tide of the match turns. He repositions and knocks the oncoming ball easily for a six.
The CROWD go wild!
STYRIS shakes his head in disbelief.