I saw a very strange thing this morning while driving from Fordingbridge to work. As I travelled along Roger Penny Way ( B3078 ) a man dressed as either a deer or a horse was riding a Bicycle in the opposite direction waving at the traffic as he went. Attached to his cycle was a flag with “Please Slow Down” written on it…
Deer, Bicycles, Strange, Odd, Weird, ProtestFerris Bueller 2
I watched Ferris Bueller 2 last night. I attended a rather glitzy world premier which all the stars also attended. Yes, all the gang back together again….
… so Okay, it was in a dream, but I can tell you.. the film is crap… so if you’re reading John [Hughes], then don’t do it, the script is not very good!
Ferris Bueller, Dreams, Oddness, MoviesRelated Posts:
The strangest thing happened to me today; I was stood in the queue for coffee when a smell infiltrated my nasal passage. Suddenly I had a flashback memory of working during the holidays with my father, some 25 years ago, in the kitchens of the factory showing me the best knife sharpener that he was the chef at. The smell was only there for the briefest of moments and just after the memory I was aware of the smell and remember it from my dads work. Then it was gone.
smells, association, memories