For you Maccers out there, here are some mac Ports of Andy Nobles excellent remakes.
Alternatively why not check out Retrospec for more goodies…
The General Babblings of Chris Wild
I was reading an interesting article about Stackless, and implementation of python than implementas micro-tasks or tasklets, more to the point it’s about Sylphis3D Game Engine use of it.
Anyway, reading the comments I find it amazing how may people don’t get the concept of micro-threads, tasklets, or just plain tasks. This system has actually been around for a very long time in games development.
The first time I came across it was in the early 90’s when I was new coder at SCi. I spent a fascinating time discussing the concept with ‘Kat’ as he explained how it was used in SWIV.
Continue reading “Old ideas die young…”
I’ve been having a hard time with my work on The Midnight Engine I get so little done nowdays and I’ve started to get disheartened by it. Anyway after a plea for help from the rest of the midnight commuity I think I may be ready to get on it again… watch this space…
Live Publishing, the publisher who brought you Retro Gamer… seems to have gone bust! This ‘aint a major thing; Retro Gamer brought out 18 issues and they have been slowly deteriorating issue by issue. The real downer is that they owed me about £500 in freelancer fees, for the last two articles that I wrote for them… Delta4 and Gilsoft. Like I’m really in a position to not get paid money right now…. ho hum!
I guess the thing that’ll will annoy me the most, is that I never got round to ordering these rather excellent T-Shirts…
BBC NEWS | UK | England | Mobiles 999 contact idea spreads
Add a simple contact section in your phone under the heading ICE – in case of emergency.