Doomdark’s Revenge

I am going to try and get this project going by blogging about it. I’m going to tell you want I am up to, and what I achieve a little bit at a time. And hopefully that will keep me building the project, one bit at a time.

Anyway, in the spirit of that; here is the current situation. |inline

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Doomdark’s Jigsaw Puzzle

The Moutain Ranges...I’m going to post a few blog entries regarding technical issues in the Doomdark’s Revenge frontend for TME and TME itself. I wanted to talk about some of the more interesting things that are going on inside it from my point of view. It will help to give an insight but maybe also fill the void of no product! |inline

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Doomdark’s Purple Haze

Doomdark\'s Revenge - Haze As part of the graphics effects for Doomdark’s Revenge, Jure and I implemented a haze effect to the landscaping. The mechanic is simple if a little processor hungry. The landscaping technique draws from back to front using seven definitive distance layers, z axis if you like. So what we do in DDR is after every layer has been drawn, we apply a haze alpha mask to modify the pixels drawn. The layer at the back will get modified by every haze layer and thus thicken up the haze fogginess in the distance. You can see the affect on the image here – click to get a bigger view. This is an example of the amount of extra processing taking place in the DDR frontend. What I would like to see is the system moved to using 3d hardware, this would allow effects like this to be done using pixel shaders. This combined with hardware drawing in general would make the DDR frontend function with little graphic overhead.

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Doomdark’s Revenge

Are you thinking what we're thinking...?

I’ve been having a hard time with my work on The Midnight Engine I get so little done nowdays and I’ve started to get disheartened by it. Anyway after a plea for help from the rest of the midnight commuity I think I may be ready to get on it again… watch this space…

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The Midnight Engine

The midnight engine DDR port is about 75% done.

The base engine has been changed to handle most of the differences in a global fashion, however, I have created multiple versions of a mechanic where needed. eg. A scenario writer chooses which type of battle system, recruitment system, etc…

Lately I have got caught up the the frontend – this has been rewritten to allow easy change, the idea being that scenario writers can affect the frontend as well. However this has been much more of a pain than I anticipated and has, to be honest, bogged me down!

I got over a major hurdle today, and thus I hope to get back on track.

The graphics system has completely changed from the LOM version, and anyone who has seen the screenshots will admit it looks lovely. The whole engine works with a patch system allowing for the terrain to change depending on which location it is, this means that the panormics look differently all the time. This process is also used in the tunnles which allows the tunnels to have distinct appearnces depending on where you are.

Ther resolution is 1024x768x32 – which is causing some speed issues at the moment, due to the amount of graphic work being implemented. For example, there is a haze layer that is applied over the seven sizes(distance) of graphics. In some way almost every pixel is adjusted a number of times before being written to the screen. This will all get sped up at the end.

Jure has produced lots of new graphics, and has worked with Bill to use the DDR shield templates and produce TME versions – thus keep consistency across the midnight games.

The last work that I know Jure was working on was the fog system, and we also discussued and inverse landscaping for the sky.

I recently implemented all of Andrews TME mods that he used for WOTS into the new codebase, and will be handing a version of TME over to him real soon so that he can hopefully get moving around the DDR map in the WOTS engine.

Hopefully, once I had it over, requests from Andrew combined with my own needs will move the project along.

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