This green and plastic land…

As I mentioned other other day, the Dail Mail wanted to use one of my pictures for their Island Plastics article on plastic bags. As it turns out, it’s not just an article but a campaign. Anyway, the picture got printed on page 3 of the Daily Mail today! Wehey! So chuffed! It was also seen on the BBC news and available online!

Also See: Banish the bags: This green and plastic land in pictures

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I recieved an email from the Daily Mail on Thursday; they were running a story in the Friday edition about plastic bags and wanted to pay me to use my photo of a Great Crested Grebe to go with it. This is a picture that I took in London almost 12 months ago. Nothing has come of this in the end – but like the Oscars, it was a honour to be nominated! 🙂

Great Crested Grebe
Click image to see bigger

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Messages from the stones…

I was at Stonehenge for the summer Solstice… anyway recently someone commented about one of my pictures on one of the photograph sites that I post to.

Here is the picture. You can click on it to get a bigger image.

Sunset at Stonehenge

And here is the comment.

Great image spoiled by the NO in the cloud formation obviously not a heavenly body!!!! apart from that nicely handled image…Bev.

I had to email Bev to find out what was meant… and only after much staring did I see that message sent to me during sunset before the summer solstice at stonehenge… boldy in the top middle of the picture, nestled among the clouds… “NO”… was someone trying to tell me something?

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Deadman Hill

Deadman Hill Managed a good sunrise at Deadman Hill yesterday morning… I’m sure all the car heading off to work along Roger Penny Way, think I’m mad, stood on the bend of a road in the chill of the early morning, taking photographs of a tree!

Deadman Hill

Previously at Deadman Hill…

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Summer Solstice 2007

Sunset at Stonehenge I went to the Solstice celebrations at last night. I was up there for 9pm ready to see the sunset. I’ve not see the sunset at the stones before and to be honest they are not in the right position for it! 🙂
There was a small amount of cloud which cleared relatively quickly and the rest of the night was pretty clear and dry. It only rained for about 10 seconds at around 9:30pm.
The stones were busy, mainly I think because Glastonbury is upon us and many people will be en-route. I have to say that security seemed a bit edgy. I’m not sure if they were expecting trouble or that they were concerned about the numbers but there did seem to be something in the air. There seemed to be a lot more nobs than usual and there was an awful lot more rubbish left lying around. All in all I didn’t think it was the best solstice celebrations.
The sky was clear right through to 4am and the the dark storm clouds rolled in. By 4:30 the sky was pretty covered and the chance of seeing a decent sunrise looked very very remote. Also, the chance of getting soaked look very very high. So we cut our loses and head for home.

Sunset at Stonehenge Sunset at Stonehenge Sunset at Stonehenge Sunset at Stonehenge
Watching on... Solstice Kiss Security Stoking the fire

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