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Non Smoking

No SmokingI’m going to start this post rant with some disclosure. I am not a smoker and have not smoked since I was about 13. And even then it was due to peer pressure as opposed to anything else. I never liked smoking and never saw the point of it.

Now to the issue at hand:
I understand why we must protect non-smokers from passive smoking and indeed the all round general discomfort of being around smoke; it is therefore a good thing that the recent legislation came into play that stops people smoking in built up public places. I hate it when I come home from a night out and my clothes need to be burned and I have to take an hour long shower to clense myself.
I don’t however understand the level of intollerance that is directed at smokers by non-smokers. It’s social prejudice of the worse kind and makes me sick to the stomach. Why can’t smokers excercise their right to smoke and have somewhere to do it? Why can a company not have a smoking room so that smokers don’t feel like social outcasts when they have to leave the office and find somewhere outside that they can smoke? Why can a resteraunt not provide somewhere for people to smoke? Before you start to give me the issue of not being able to stop where smoke goes and who it affects… stop… think… why not? Why can we not filter places?Surely we have the ability if not the will, to devise solutions to allow people to smoke without affecting people who don’t smoke.

As always, shouldn’t we balance the measures that we bring in? Shouldn’t we protect a persons right not to be affected by smoke but also protect a persons right to smoke? When will it end? the current legislation is still not good enough, if anything it could be worse. I will probably walk past more groups of people smoking on the street than I would have before; that would expose me to more smoke that prior to the new legislation. That can’t be a good thing can it?

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So we will then change the rules to stop people smoking in the street… what then? Once we have removed people’s right to smoke then we MUST, we have a duty, to stop alcohol drinking and excessive eating; both have health issues and put a strain on the NHS. Both are socially un-acceptable. Learn more about your health,breast augmentation brisbane and more by following the link.

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I will always love you

And I Hope Life, Will Treat You Kind
And I Hope That You Have All
That You Ever Dreamed Of
Oh, I Do Wish You Joy
And I Wish You Happiness
But Above All This
I Wish You Love
I Love You, I Will Always Love You

Happy Anniversary!

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When I wanted sunshine I got rain…

It’s funny how things pan out. While camping on Saturday night we were all sat around singing to country songs. Some s came on and I happened to mention that he wrote a few tunes for . Despite delving deep into my brain I couldn’t remember which one, although it just happened to be one of their, if not the, biggest hit. No one could come up with a title and without access to the internet, the thought passed. Obviously it was of little real significance and I never gave it another thought. Driving in to work this morning, I thought that I must do a look up when I get to my desk, I turned on the radio around nine, tuning into The show, and was just coming to the end of his “Tedious Link”… which just happened to be The Monkees: , penned by Neil Diamond! Ker-Ching!

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Wikipedia Neil Diamond, The Monkees, Chris Moyles, Comedy Dave, I’m a Believer

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The Devil went down to Georgia

TentSo, despite the fact that all weather forcasters were forcasting really bad rain with some really bad wind for the weekend, we still went camping.

The first thing that I must point out here is that was not intended to be a camping holiday. It’s not about finding some idyllic place to spend a relaxing time, we do after all live in the New Forest, this is about five families getting together for a social weekend where all the kids can play together in a relatively free and safe area.

So, five families went down to Holmsley on Friday. Holmsley is about 30 minutes away from our house and thus close enough that we can bail out at any stage. The blokes went down first and set up the tents. The weather at this point was dry with a slight wind. We found a suitable location to create base camp, high enough away from the possible and very likely rivers of rain that would be descending into any camp placed at the base of any hill, and sheltered by a small copse. Five tents were pitched around a central multi-gazebo-covered eating and drinking sdtation, with an en-suite gazebo-covered field kitchen.

Friday went pretty much without hitch. The kids loved the freedom they got. We ate plenty, drunk plenty, and retired to dry and relatively comfortable tents.

Saturday. It rained! No really, all day! Yes, I know rain all day was forcast, but hey it’s a bit like the spanish inquisition. Despite that, the rain never put us off. We spent all day generally lounging around the camp, eating, drinking, and making adjustments to parts of the camp that would be affected by the water. We had to cancel the dressing up part of the western BBQ party that we were having as dressing up is pointless when you have to walk around in wellies and a coat at all times.

The kids loved the freedom they got. They got very muddy and very wet and went through all the extra changes of clothing that was brought for them pretty quickly. We ate plenty, drunk plenty, sung along to western themes and country soungs, and then retired to semi-dry, if a little suspect, and relatively comfortable tents.

It rained all night and the wind was pretty angry. I was sure that we were going to lose a tent or two either to the wind or the rain. It was a far cry from the experience of last year. Do you know what is the worst think about lying in a small tent, pitched near large trees, with a tropical monsoon coming down around you; newly forged rivers of rain winding their way around your tent creating makeshift moats around your thin, semi waterproof clad castle, and wondering how long it’s going to be before the hurricane that is whirling around you is going to take you off to oz? It’s having spent all day drinking beer and cider and needing to go for a piss every 30 minuites!

However, we didn’t have to bail and our little campsite pretty much held up. We didn’t get much sleep but we had a lot of fun…


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