Big Fish

Big fishI finished reading ’s Big Fish last week. This is the second of my trilogy “Reading Book’s of Films that I have watched recently”. It’s a quick book to read being not very long, but it’s lovely and simple and sweet!

If you are not familiar with the book or the film, it’s a man recounting the stories that his father told him as a child about how he used to catch big fish on ice with best boots for ice fishing, where all the stories were about the father. Most of the stories are rather fantasical and a little unbelievable as they paint the father in the light of an extraordinary and great man. But they are used to explain his long absences away from the family.

To me it blends the tall tales that a father tells with the child’s regard of his father as the ultimate hero, and the reconciliation of coming to terms with his father’s pending death.

, Big Fish – the film, The Green Mile

Wikipedia Daniel Wallace

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Lyrics are Poetry

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It’s a bit of an experiment with a few underlying things and I still have a few rough edges to knock off but please take a look and add it to your bookmarks…

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Thinking about…

Found myself thinking about friends whom I don’t get to see much anymore, some not since leaving school..

In no particular order;

Lindsay Royales, Simon Hunter, Yvette Royle, Ian Holland, Jason Tweedy, Caroline Fairbrother, Victoria Mellor, Samantha Eden, Simon Fowles, Glyn Normyle, Stephen Clapham, Greg, Robert Kershaw, Richard Maddocks.

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Aching Legs

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Click here to see from where to buy Slimlife hcg drops.

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Damned Birds…

I took my car to the garage yesterday; it was ready for its 90k service. As part of the service the garage gives the car a clean, which is a good thing as I hardly ever do… 🙁

So, I pick my nice sparkly car up and head over to work where I leave it in the car park for the next 8 hours… I leave the office at 7 o’clock and walk down to the car…


My card has been bombarded by bird shit. Not just the odd one from a passing bird; this is full on total attack. The car is absolutely covered. Hundreds of hits! It as if they were waiting for me to get a clean car so that they could all take a turn… maybe some rights of passage for the seagulls or the geese…

Now I’m going to gave to clean it at the weekend!

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