Listening in…

You know how they say that you remember everything; you just need to find a way of unlocking the memory. Well, I wonder if it is true for hearing things. If you are in a room with hundreds of voices do you hear them all? Ultimately the “noise” cannot be interpreted but I wonder if that is because your mind is trying to focus on them all at the same time? So, if you hear everything, and can remember everything, could you later filter through the noise to isolate a specific person speaking and therefore over time be able to tell what everyone in the room was saying? Imagine the gossip you would here…

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Omega 3

Why has everything got in it nowadays? Yes I currently have choice if I am to buy it or not, but how long before someone decides that we would all be better by getting a guaranteed dose of Omega 3, and forcing it in our food.
Also, my understanding is that there is no proof that Omega 3 actually helps anything according to health information technology
. I don’t have a scientific paper to point at but I remember listenting to a piece on the radio that mentioned that the original findings that Omega 3 is good for you is dubious and flawed. It seems to me as always, just eat a healthy diet and listen to your body. Try from time to time and all will be just fine.

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Tom and Jerry

Smoke’s no joke for

It seems that Tom is no longer allowed to smoke in front of children. He can beat the hell out of Jerry if he wants because glorification of violence is acceptable, but smoking is abhorrent and will not be tolerated! 🙂

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GooglewhackHot on the heals of reading Are You Dave Gorman? I’ve just finished reading Dave Gormans Googlewhack Adventure. You should probably take a little time to check up on what a is… but in esscence its when you type two words into Google as a search phrase and only get one page back… there are other rules.

Again I watched the DVD before reading the book. But the books is still very enjoyable all the same. I don’t think it is quite as good as Are you ? Mainly because in that one, Dave is obssesed with his task and Danny is unwittingly and against his will pulled into it. In this one Dave is kind of performing both roles. Nevertheless, I still laughed out loud on numerous occasions.

See Also: Dave Gorman’s Website

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Wikipedia Googlewhack, Dave Gorman

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Are you Dave Gorman

Are Uou Dave Gorman?I watched the TV show The Dave Gorman Collection some time ago, but I’ve only just got around to reading the book Are You Dave Gorman? I guess that technically I didn’t really need to read the book, but I was interested in all the extra detail that the book would afford.

Anyway, I really enjoyed it. Funny all the way through. And all those extra little details are really worth the read. For those not familiar with the TV show or the Book. ends up trying to win a bet against his flat mate that he can’t meet 54 other Dave Gormans. It’s a bet that sees them travelling the world and putting themselves in some very strange situations.

See Also: Dave Gorman’s Website

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Wikipedia Dave Gorman, Danny Wallace

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