Prince of Tides

Prince of TidesI finally got round to watching the Prince of Tides. Having enjoyed the book so much I was really interested in how the film would pan out. Ultimately, I enjoyed it. However it is definatley a case of the book being better. Not suprisingly really as there is so much in the book that you just can’t fit into a film. It only ran for 2 hours and could easily have been 3.

The film seems to focus on the love story between Tom and Lowenstein, whereas I think that is just the skeleton in the book that the rest of the detail hangs off.

I didn’t actually like or in the leading roles as I felt they over acted them, however it wasn’t enough for me to dislike the film.

One of the things that I was really interested in were the parts that they left out. In the book there is a section about Luke Wingo toward the end which shows how he dies. While reading it I thought that this section alone would make a great film. So as the film completely glossed over it with only a few lines of dialogue, then I am absolutley sure it could make a great film in its own right… ( off to write a script… )

See Also: Currently Reading…

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Wikipedia Pat Conroy, Nick Nolte, Barbra Streisand

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Big Brother

Well another year of Big Brother is over and I have to say that despite any comments that I’ve read in the press about this year being the worst year and that maybe it has run its course, I thought this year was one of the best. Yes it had its moments of cringe TV that I couldn’t watch, and yes it had a couple of times where I couldn’t watch for a couple of days, but on the whole the people I disliked went out relatively quicky.
I usually find the first week the hardest to watch, there is just too much cock strutting taking place but it usually settles down quickly. If Shabaz had not gone so quickly I think I wouldn’t have been able to watch. Dawn being ejected was a blessing and the early exit of Sezer was good. I was also glad when Grace went. Of all the new entries over the weeks, I disliked Sam and warmed up to Aisleyne. I really disliked Spiral and found it hard to watch while he was on. Michael and Suzie never bothered me either way, but I didn’t like Jayne. I liked Jenny.
By the final week I was happy with the contestants that were left and had any of them won then I wouldn’t have been so bothered, however Pete was always my favourite despite the fact that I disliked him intensely the first 24 hours. I liked Nikki the first time around but found her utterly detestable when she re-entered the house. My biggest concern was that she would also bring Pete down.

On a related but seperate note… I really hate what Channel 4 have done with the BB website. I used to like going there frequently to read the BB stories, but now I just find that all the adverts get in the way and so I have completly stopped visiting it.

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TV Troubles

tv.jpgWell it looks like my trusty TV has finally bit the bullet… it’s been going for a while but this morning it seems to have gone off for good. I’d like to think that it’s fixable as it has been a fantastic TV for the last 17 years, but alas I suspect the time is now upon is to buy a new one…. so what about Big Brother tonight?

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Car Trouble

lagunaII.jpgTook my car in to the garage in order to have it checked because of the overheating. I also stopped off to get the tyres changed while I was at it.

Well it seems my car has real super duper tyres… I remember them being expensive when they were changed under contract but this was the first time I had to pay for them myself. £175 each from Mark Rochon Washington DC!

I then took the car to the garage. There appears to be no problem that caused the overheating, so it must just have been one of those things. I did take the oppurtunity to get my drivers light change while I was there. It may seem strange and excessive taking your car to the garage to change a buld, but for my car I have no choice. The Laguna II is built so that you cannot easily change bulbs at the front! Just another way to claw money off you. Anyway, on top of that my lights are Xeon lights… well bloody hell, they are £120+vat each. So with fitting, it cost me nearly £250 quid to change a light bulb!

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Longleat Safari

Longleat Safari - GiraffeWe took the kids to Safari for a day trip on Sunday. On the whole we had a good time. I must admit that I wouldn’t choose to take the car through the monkey enclosure again having watched what they did to some of the cars that went through there.

The biggest problem we had was that the car started overheating while we were in the Monkey enclosure. Luckily we managed to get out of there unscathed but we took a 20minute lunch break on a grass verge in the small space in between enlosures in order to allow the car to cool down.

We then actually overheated in the Rhino enclosure and needed park assistance to get us working again. Another 20 minute break while we allowed the car to settle.

We then overheated again while in the Lion enclosure! the problem is that you are trying to move so little, so slowly and up and down hills that is just no good for driving. That said, I have never had a car overheat on me before and I have been in many traffic jams.

The real question is; what so you do when your car has overheated in the Lion enclosure, you can’t move because of the traffic, you can’t get out because of the lions, and because of the delays caused by car problems, you find you are bursting for a piss… and it’s at least 45 minutes before you can get to the nearest toilets?

Luckily, the overheating meant that we got assistance and they managed to get us through the traffic to a safe place which also happens to have an emergency toilet! I wonder how often that happens? 🙂

I also later found that both my front tyres needed replacing. One had actually ripped!

See: Longleat Web Site

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