Sounds Like “*”

An interesting phenomena. I heard 2 songs back to back on the radio in the car this morning. – In the Morning, and – Iris . What struck me about these records is a) I liked them both, and b) they both sounded like other songs.

In the Morning sounded like a track, and Iris sounded like John Wesley.

See Also: John Wesley Website,Talking Heads Website, Ronan Keating Website, Razorlight Website

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Wikipedia Razorlight, Ronan Keating, Talking Heads

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Thai Noodle Salad

chopsticks2.jpgI made a Thai Noodle Salad or the BBQ last week and it seemed to go down very well, with everyone asking me for the recipe. So i thought to post my review on the fruit infusion water bottle i promised you guys last week, but i changed my mind and I’d post it here…

There are no exact measures you just need to choose the quantities based on how many you are planning to feed. Use pressure cooker reviews and the noodles as your guide.

Cashew Nuts
3 Limes
Mangetout and Sugar Snap Peas
2xtbl Soy Sauce
King Prawns
Fresh Coriander
1 Red Chilli
1xtbl Sesame Seeds
1xtbl Sesame Oil
Spring Onions
Lloyd Grossman – Yellow Thai sauce – or any Yellow, Green or even Red Thai sauce of choice.

  • Marinate the prawns in a little lime juice, chopped coriander, and grated lime zest and a little chopped chilli.
  • Chop the Spring Onions.
  • Chop some Coriander. ( use amount to taste )
  • Segment a Lime or two.
  • Blanch the Mangetout and Sugar Snap peas in boiling water for a few minutes or until cooked to the required amount and then cool down under cold water.
  • Finely slice the Mangetout and Sugar Snap Peas length ways.
  • If you are using dry noodles then cook in boiling water for 3 minutes – or follow packet instructions – and then rinse under cold water. A little tip, while the noodles are simmering use chop sticks to seperate them while in the pan and make sure none are sticking together. chopsticks seem to do the job much better than anything else.
  • Put a little sesame oil into a hot wok and let heat up and then put the cold noodles in.
  • Add the Soy Sauce and stir through the noodles and cook for a minute.
  • Mix in some of the beansprouts, some of the Mangetout, some of the Peas and all the cashew nuts and cook for another 2 minutes.
  • Pour the noodle mix into a bowl.
  • Heat a small amount of the Thai sauce in the microwave; about half a cup depending on the quantity of noodles. This is the most important step as you do not want to drown everything in the sauce, you are using it like a dressing.
  • Pour the sauce over the noddles and mix in well.
  • Add the Coriander, spring onions, the rest of the Mangetout, and the rest of the beansprouts to the noodles.
  • Stiry Fry, BBQ, or cook on a griddle, the Prawns and then add to the noodles.
  • Sprinkle the sesame seeds and the lime segments over the noodles.
  • Use your hands and give the mixture a final mix up… and then serve and enjoy!

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    IBM LogoWell, I started a new contract at IBM uk head office in North Harbour, Portsmouth on Monday. The first week was mainly about settling in and getting myself set up ready to go full tilt… Monday was a little overwhelming being around so many people in such huge offices. It’s a little bit of a culture shock for little ol’ me!
    On Tuesday I had my Health and Safety and information induction and then had my photo taken for my security pass. The security pass also doubles up as your cash card as the offices are cash free. So Tuesday afternoon I was able to start sampling the delights of the canteen, or should I say, food court!
    First week went well, I got my Laptop set up with all the IBM products I need to either perform my Job or facilitate it. It’s a little strange having to use products like Lotus Notes and DB2 and RAPID, and other IBM products…

    Oh, and I’m programming in Java!!!

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    Beach Party

    Beach PartyIt was Rebekah’s 6th birthday on the Saturday and obviously we threw a party for her. She’s been thinking about how her party would be since the curtain fell on her 5th party. She’s decided on a Beach Party and so we set about converting our New Forest garden into a sea front beach. She picked her birthday guests and sent out postcard invitations.

    Victoria and Sue spent months thinking about and organising all the details. There were waves to paint and cut out, a sun to create, deck chairs, buckets and spades, fishing nets, cut out sea creatures, beach balls, inflatables, shells, an ice cream parlour, water games, a swimming pool, a bucket and spade birthday cake, beach styled food stuff, and not to mention 2 tonne of sand to create that beach.

    On Thursday the sand was delivered and I spent the evening wheel barrowing 2 tonne of sand from the front of the house to the position of our new beach around the back of the house. Saturday we all rushed around arranging everything. Continue reading “Beach Party”

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    Feed the Birds

    I always loved this song, however, while reading it don’t think about throwing bits of bread to vermin disease infested pigeons, but think of starving children around the world instead…

    Feed the Birds
    Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman

    Early each day to the steps of Saint Paul’s
    The little old bird woman comes
    In her own special way to the people she call,
    “Come, buy my bags full of crumbs
    Come feed the little birds,
    Show them you care
    And you’ll be glad if you do
    Their young ones are hungry
    Their nests are so bare
    All it takes is tuppence from you
    Feed the birds, tuppence a bag
    Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag
    Feed the birds,” that’s what she cries
    While overhead, her birds fill the skies

    All around the cathedral the saints and apostles
    Look down as she sells her wares
    Although you can’t see it,
    You know they are smiling
    Each time someone shows that he cares

    Though her words are simple and few
    Listen, listen, she’s calling to you
    “Feed the birds, tuppence a bag
    Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag”

    Though her words are simple and few
    Listen, listen, she’s calling to you
    “Feed the birds, tuppence a bag
    Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag”

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