April Poem

Here is a poem that my daughter wrote the other day. She just sat down with her little pad and wrote her “April Poem”. She was so focused – I was really impressed as she’s only 5!

April Poem
Rebekah Wild – Aged 5

April is in spring time
Easter is in April
Easter Bunnies come and give us eggs
Spring is in April
and we love eggs
Baby lambs are born
and we see them
and we see deer
and foals.

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Radiohead singer ‘snubbed Blair’

Radiohead singer ‘snubbed Blair’

So of , and band I happen to like, declines to meet with regarding Climate Change. wanted Yorke to but his views to Blair back in September. Yorke just happens to be an ambassador for Friends of the Earth.

“Initially when it came up I tried to be pragmatic. But Blair has no environmental credentials as far as I’m concerned.

I came out of that whole period just thinking, I don’t want to get involved directly, it’s poison. I’ll just shout my mouth off from the sidelines.

It’s a nasty business. It’s up to people with pure integrity who know what they’re talking about, like Friends of the Earth.”

So, Yorke, an ambassador for people of Pure integrity doesn’t want to talk about a subject that his dear to his heart with someone who ACTUALLY HAS SOME POWER!

That’ll make things change…

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The Da Vinci Code

I finally got round to reading ’s The Da Vinvi Code. I have to say that it took me ages to get into, by that I don’t mean how many pages I had to read before I was in, but how many times I had to re-start the book to get myself going. The start is so poorly written. I found myself constantly stumbling over the structure of the words. I knew I had to keep trying, and eventually either the writing got better or I got over the issue. Before long I was actually rather enjoying it.
The book is very good as a thriller. I’m not going to make the mistake of judging it on the “content” of the subject matter, because to be honest, it doesn’t really matter to me. The story is well told within the confines of the “revelations” and if nothing else Dan Brown helps to feed you this information in an entertaining way, rather than sitting down to read any serious book on the subject.
I read the illustrated version, because that was the version I was given as a gift. Apart from it really being to big to be practical for reading, it was a little uncomfortable sitting on the sofa with it, I did like all the pictures that gave you that extra bit of help with the visualisation of what Brown was describing. In no way essential to the plot, but educational in its own right.

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The video for ’s new single ‘Girls’ is now available online. The single is released March 27th.


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Seasons End

Seasons End

Getting close to seasons end
I heard somebody say
That it might never snow again
In England
Snow flakes in a new-born fist
Sledging on a hill
Are these things we’ll never see
In England

We’ll tell our children’s children why
We grew so tall and reached so high
We left our footprints in the earth
And punched a hole right through the sky

We’ll tell them how we changed the world
And how we tamed the sea
And seasons they will never know
In England

So watch the old world melt away
A loss regrets could never mend
You never miss it till it’s gone
So say goodbye, say goodbye

We’ll tell our children’s children why
We grew so tall and reached so high
You never miss it till it’s gone
So say goodbye, say goodbye
To seasons end

I just thought I add this little snipped that Steve has to say about the lyric.

A nostalgic lament about cold English Winters and their loss to global warming. Once you’ve got your own children you start to think about what kind of a world we’re leaving them with… and which of your dearest memories might be impossibilities in the future.

Words stolen from www.marillion.com – sorry!

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