Revenge of the Blog People!

I read this article by Michael Gorman the other day; Library Journal – Revenge of the Blog People!, anyway It’s pretty annoying. The guy who appears to be someone high up in american library mawotsits (president-elect of the American Library Association) is basically condeming all blog authors to the world of terrible writers. Now I agreee there are some bad ones out there, and I also accept that my skills in this area may or may not be the best when compared to high paid journalists or authors, but then that’s kind of the point isn’t it.

We go to places we want to read, about things we want to read about. If we don’t like it, we won’t go back. So quality or lack of it, is something that will filter blogs out, because no one will read something they don’t want to read. A bit like newspapers and books. A lot depends on the bloggers target audience. I have no idea whom mine audience is; I just type it in as it comes out of my head and give little consideration for who’s reading it, but then that’s why I started doing this, to get and idea of what it is like to blog. And although I don’t really that this whole process serious, I do take umbrage and snotty nosed gits like Michael Gorman lumping all blog writers into the same hole.

It is obvious that the Blog People read what they want to read rather than what is in front of them and judge me to be wrong on the basis of what they think rather than what I actually wrote. Given the quality of the writing in the blogs I have seen, I doubt that many of the Blog People are in the habit of sustained reading of complex texts. It is entirely possible that their intellectual needs are met by an accumulation of random facts and paragraphs. In that case, their rejection of my view is quite understandable.

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Ofex Listing

**Smoking Gun Entertainment Group plc – Start of Trading on Ofex**

Well after a tormentuous year, Smoking Gun finally listed on Ofex
this morning. Lets hope that this is the start of up and up…

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Spam Spam Spam

Killing Referrer Spam

My blog has been suffering a lot of spam since I set it up, and a lot of it comes from the same group of spammers! I checked my logs the other day and found a huge amout of refferal sites that spam originates from. So many that have somthing to do with online casinos, poker, etc… any way I have finally a installed a .htaccess solution to block these refferals so hopefully I will get less from now on… although I do have one concern, does anyone know if the is a bug speed hit for the work that htaccess does?

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Google toolbar picks where you surf

Google toolbar picks where you surf

This is something I feel unsure about. Basically Google toolbar picks up words on a page and creates a link to somewhere else. The example given that causes problems is that of Barnes and Noble and Amazon. You are visiting Barnes and Noble or any book web site for that matter, and you are looking at a page for a particular book. On that page is the ISBN number and Google recognises this and changes it into a link to Amazon. So now they have directed the browser away from one site to another with a possible financial implication. ie: the browser buys the book for Amazon rather than the store they started at. Now this is something Microsoft tried with Smart Tags and quickly dumped due to external pressures. ( More here… )

There is a Javascript workaround here but this is what causes the dilema.

I personally don’t want anyone messing with my site, any part of it. I want the user to see it as much as possible, as I intended. If I want to add a hyperlink to possible divert the user away then that’s my perogative, so I’m not keen on google changing my text and adding in links, especially as I don’t know where the are going to end up.

However, the user has installed google toolbar and has thus possibly made the decision that they like this process and afterall it’s kind of the principal that the net is built on and great for. The ability to navigate and find more information on a particular subject.

So which is the correct way: allow google to decide what your user sees or deny the user the flexibility?

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Search keywords revisited…

Here is the latest list of strange search requests that have hit my site…

  • “write a computer program that would represent the rooms in such a way that you can start from any room and go to any other room architectural designer”
  • “short stories on homosexual men playing football”
  • “my only love sprung from my only hate! too early see un-known and known too late! prodigious birth of love it is to me that i mu”
  • “forest stripping”
  • “gucci kid shoes”
  • “in bed with him for the first time”
  • “everything but the girl used to be man”
  • See Also: Strange Keywords

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