Carangrane the Giant

Race Giant
Gender Male
Loyalty Giant
Foe Glireon the Icelord
Tiredness 20
Despondent 250
Recklessness 200
Location (7,33) - The City of Carangrane
Army 1000 Warriors


Is the foe of
Lorelorn the Icelord Imgorad the Barbarian

Loyal Subjects
Varangrim the Giant Thangrorn the Giant Imgenarg the Giant Anvildrak the Giant

Chain of Command

Varangrim the Giant

Imgarorn the Giant

Glormeon the Giant

Asorthane the Giant

Thormuk the Giant

Imgormad the Giant

Obularg the Giant

Imatrorn the Giant

Glortheon the Giant

Obigrorn the Giant

Obortharg the Giant

Berorthim the Giant

Thangrorn the Giant

Imgenarg the Giant

Ulformane the Giant

Thorarg the Giant

Torelak the Giant

Ganigrorn the Giant

Anvildrak the Giant

Fenorn the Giant

Sildrorn the Giant

The Gate of Varenorn