Our Heroes
Luxor the Moonprince
Tarithel the Fey
Rorthron the Wise
The Barbarians
Carormand the Barbarian
Glortharg the Barbarian
Thortheon the Barbarian
Lorangrorn the Barbarian
Thangrad the Barbarian
Varatrarg the Barbarian
Kahudrak the Barbarian
Imgorad the Barbarian
Thorthak the Barbarian
Anvorthun the Barbarian
Firak the Barbarian
Kahudrarg the Barbarian
Careneon the Barbarian
Torinarg the Barbarian
Anvortheon the Barbarian
Varangrand the Barbarian
The Dwarves
Imgorarg the Dwarf
Hagildrorn the Dwarf
Torormarg the Dwarf
Glormane the Dwarf
Berangrorn the Dwarf
Gloruk the Dwarf
Torelorn the Dwarf
Thatruk the Dwarf
Thelak the Dwarf
Lorangrarg the Dwarf
Carorthay the Dwarf
Hagudril the Dwarf
Gludreon the Dwarf
Thudrun the Dwarf
Imangruk the Dwarf
Thigrak the Dwarf
Imulorn the Dwarf
Imelorn the Dwarf
Ulfangrak the Dwarf
Gligril the Dwarf
The Fey
Imorthorn the Fey
Thormand the Fey
Tororthane the Fey
Carorthane the Fey
Berormorn the Fey
Thigrand the Fey
Tharand the Fey
Imgorthand the Fey
Lorangriel the Fey
Carorthorn the Fey
Morildrane the Fey
Imgormand the Fey
Thorthand the Fey
Imgormiel the Fey
Lorangrim the Fey
Berormane the Fey
Imorthesh the Fey
Obireon the Fey
Carorthand the Fey
The Giants
Carangrane the Giant
Varangrim the Giant
Imgarorn the Giant
Glormeon the Giant
Asorthane the Giant
Thormuk the Giant
Imgormad the Giant
Obularg the Giant
Imatrorn the Giant
Glortheon the Giant
Obigrorn the Giant
Obortharg the Giant
Berorthim the Giant
Thangrorn the Giant
Imgenarg the Giant
Ulformane the Giant
Thorarg the Giant
Torelak the Giant
Ganigrorn the Giant
Anvildrak the Giant
Fenorn the Giant
Sildrorn the Giant
Shareth and the Icelords
Shareth The Heartstealer
Morkin the Free
Anvireon the Icelord
Imgaril the Icelord
Malisane the Icelord
Ushudrarg the Icelord
Malirarg the Icelord
Carorthad the Icelord
Torangrorn the Icelord
Lorelorn the Icelord
Talormane the Icelord
Imildrorn the Icelord
Thigrim the Icelord
Malorthand the Icelord
Sortharg the Icelord
Sigrorn the Icelord
Morangrim the Icelord
Zarashand the Icelord
Kahangrorn the Icelord
Imasharg the Icelord
Glormarg the Icelord
Malirane the Icelord
Thildresh the Icelord
Malormun the Icelord
Thirium the Icelord
Fenarg the Icelord
Ushangrane the Icelord
Carangresh the Icelord
Carorand the Icelord
Varormane the Icelord
Fangrorn the Icelord
Talorthane the Icelord
Glororn the Icelord
Imgudrorn the Icelord
Ganormarg the Icelord
Firim the Icelord
Kahudruk the Icelord
Glireon the Icelord
Berudrarg the Icelord
Hagudrak the Icelord
Ulfangruk the Icelord
Malarorn the Icelord
Imgasharg the Icelord
Kahangriel the Icelord
Kahudrun the Icelord
Thangrarg the Icelord
Lororthane the Icelord
Anvarorn the Icelord